Author - Blogger - Homepreneur

About Me


I’m Jaishree Nenwani! An Author – Blogger – A Homepreneur.

I started my journey as a homepreneur a couple of years back when I was forced by a health condition to quit my corporate job.

It was devastating to leave the job you love and do something you don’t want to do.

Nevertheless, that’s what we call LIFE.

So instead of being a couch potato, I chose to start my own business from home. For a few years, I successfully served the corporate industry as an independent recruiter. I loved doing it, but now I wanted to give wings to my passion for writing.

After working as a freelance content creator for 2 years, I started my own blog- GetSetHappy. Just in a year’s time, my blog became a go-to place for those who wanted to improve their lives in different ways and become happier.

In 2022, I published my first book- Tiny Habits Massive Results. In this book, I have talked about certain habits that helped me to deal with and overcome the major challenges in my life. You will also read about the importance of creating habits for long-term success and building foundations of a healthier, happier and fulfilling life. 

What am I aiming at?

We are all surrounded by problems and suffering. Aren’t we? As soon as we overcome one problem, another one is ready on our way. Solving problems – is it the only reason we live?

I don’t think so! So, my intention to write (both books and blogs) is to simplify life and make it fun, fulfilling, and worth living.

So, I and my readers enjoy the journey called life while dealing with unavoidable problems of life.